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文章主题:人工智能, ChatGPT, 微软裁员





🌟Steve Wozniak, the tech legend, weighs in on ChatGPT’s remarkable capabilities but warns of potential pitfalls. 🤖The AI chatbot may impress with its knowledge, but it lacks the understanding of human complexities, just like how autonomous vehicles’ AI can’t fully replace a human driver yet. 🚗After all, predicting other cars’ actions is rooted in empathy and that’s an aspect ChatGPT currently lacks. Wozniak’s comparison highlights the importance of context and emotional intelligence in decision-making processes. 💭While ChatGPT may revolutionize communication, it’s crucial to remember that AI’s reliability depends on its programming and limitations. As we embrace this technology, let’s not forget the human touch that makes all the difference. 🤝SEO optimized for “ChatGPT’s limitations” and “AI-driven decision-making”.


🌟【科技巨头盛赞】黄仁勋预言ChatGPT开启AI新篇章就像iPhone引领智能手机革命一样🚀 —— 伯克利哈斯大学演讲揭示创新力量🔥🚀 英伟达掌门人黄仁勋在该校的智慧殿堂中,以深邃洞察力,将ChatGPT比作科技领域的iPhone,坚信其诞生是新时代的里程碑式事件。📱💡 黄博士敏锐地观察到,OpenAI迅速引发了全球关注和广泛应用,这仅仅是未来更震撼创新的序曲。🚀🌍 他强调,ChatGPT正以独特方式推动计算民主化,这是人工智能与计算领域前所未有的壮举,堪称历史上的里程碑。🌈—— 随着ChatGPT的崛起,我们期待见证科技如何再次重塑世界,让每一个角落都充满创新力量!💡记得关注未来AI的每一次飞跃,因为它们将定义我们的数字时代!🌍


Microsoft’s professional networking arm, LinkedIn, has officially announced that job cuts are taking place within their recruitment division. Following earlier announcements this year where the tech giant pledged to slash costs amidst slowing sales, the company revealed plans to shed 10,000 positions across all departments during Q2. However, they have not specified which areas would be affected.Despite these measures, Microsoft has been贯彻 cost-cutting measures in various sectors, such as with the layoffs at GitHub, a code repository platform, and teams linked to Azure, its cloud computing arm. The move also echoes the company’s efforts to streamline its presence in the industrial metaverse sector.The news comes as no surprise, given the industry-wide job market adjustments, and the company’s focus on optimizing efficiency and adapting to changing market dynamics. By reframing this information with relevant keywords and incorporating SEO-friendly language, we can enhance the online visibility without revealing personal details or contact information.


🎉微软Win10大更新!从今日2月14日起,IE11时代正式谢幕,Edge将成为默认浏览器。👀然而,对于部分国内用户,尤其是那些仍在依赖IE的老银行,可能有些小困扰。别担心,好消息是,大部分银行已与时俱进,Chrome和Edge的广泛支持让业务无缝过渡。 Além that, Edge的IE兼容模式是个贴心救星,只需轻轻一转,依旧能畅游在熟悉的金融世界。安心升级,拥抱未来,Edge在手,无忧无虑!🌐


Meta首席商务官Marne Levine即将挥手告别,这位在Meta深耕了整整13载的老将,将在2月21日的最后一天以高管身份坚守岗位,之后将以普通员工的身份直至夏季正式离职。Meta在其官方声明中透露,Nicola Mendelsohn和Justin Osofsky将接棒她的职责,成为销售与合作领域的重量级人物,直接向首席运营官Javier Olivan汇报工作。Marne Levine曾身兼要职,包括Facebook全球公共政策副总裁、Instagram的领航员以及Facebook全球合作商业与发展的核心驱动力,她的离职无疑为Meta的未来战略带来了一定的调整。


Uber, the ride-sharing giant, has announced its ambitious plan to migrate its IT operations from in-house data centers to Alphabet’s Google Cloud and Oracle’s cloud platform. The company has inked two seven-year deals, one with Google Cloud and another with Oracle, signaling a major shift towards external cloud services in the coming years. Currently, over 95% of Uber’s IT functions are housed within its own facilities.This strategic move aims to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and take advantage of the scalability and security offered by these leading cloud providers. By offloading these critical IT functions, Uber expects to future-proof its technology infrastructure and potentially reduce costs in the long run.The transition, which is set to gradually unfold over the next few years, marks a significant departure from Uber’s traditional approach and demonstrates the company’s embrace of digital transformation. This move not only positions Uber at the forefront of tech-driven transportation but also opens up opportunities for collaboration with both Google Cloud and Oracle in driving innovation and growth.With its IT infrastructure now more diversified, Uber is well poised to leverage the power of cloud computing to enhance passenger experiences, streamline operations, and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. The move not only boosts the company’s technological prowess but also enhances its online visibility through optimized SEO-friendly language.SEO Optimized: 🚀Uber Migrates IT to Google Cloud & Oracle’s Cloud, Embracing Digital Transformation 🌐95% of Functions Shift to External Data Centers 📡七年协议,Cloud Migration Plan Unfolds 🤝合作新纪元:Uber-Cloud-Oracle Alliance for Innovation 🚪成本节省与技术领先同行


云通信公司Twilio Inc. 宣布将裁员约17%,为五个月内的第二轮裁员,该公司还将缩减某些员工福利,以优先考虑盈利而不是增长。此外,该公司将重组为两个业务部门,分别是Twilio Communications以及Twilio Data & Applications。首席运营官Khozema Shipchandler将担任新的通讯部门的负责人,而收入总裁Elena Donio将领导数据与应用业务。该公司在疫情期间快速扩张。根据监管公告,在第一轮裁员前的2022年9月30日,Twilio有8992名员工,高于2020年3月31日的3060名员工。


深圳忆联信息系统有限公司数据中心级固态硬盘UH711a与企业级固态硬盘UH811a/UH831a系列顺利通过VMware官方I/O Vendor Partner(IOVP)测试并取得认证。标志着任意型号的UH711a与UH811a/UH831a系列产品完全兼容VMware虚拟环境,支持虚拟化环境中所需的关键功能。





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