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以下图片提示词来自 @新媒沈阳 团队


prompt: Rising from the ashes of a fallen civilization, this colossal arena is built from blackened stone that glows with fire at dusk and dawn. At its center stands a giant phoenix statue, its wings outstretched, from which real flames burst forth during ceremonies, casting a fiery glow over the assembled spectators. The coliseum hosts battles and events that are a mix of magic and martial prowess, drawing crowds from across the realms.


Prompt: High in a mountain range exists a glacier that burns with an eternal flame, casting a warm, golden light across the ice. The flames never melt the ice but dance across its surface in a mesmerizing display of fire and frost. Explorers gather to warm their hands by the flames, finding solace in the heat that defies the surrounding cold.


Prompt: Visualize a colossal turtle, ancient and wise, carrying an entire, bustling city on its shell. The city is full of life and movement, contrasting starkly with the serene, endless desert through which the turtle slowly makes its way, a traveling oasis of civilization.


prompt: Spanning a turbulent sea, this massive bridge is carved from ancient, storm-darkened stone, appearing to rise and fall with the waves. At each end, titanic statues of sea leviathans guard the passage, their eyes alight with bioluminescence. During storms, the bridge seems to disappear, only to reemerge unscathed, a testament to its mysterious, indestructible nature. Sailors and travelers crossing the bridge tell tales of hearing the leviathans song, guiding them safely to the other side. 


prompt: Beneath the oceans surface, a bustling marketplace exists on the shell of a colossal tortoise. The tortoise, ancient and wise, travels through underwater currents, hosting a myriad of sea creatures who trade goods in coral-lined stalls. This underwater bazaar is a hub of commerce for the oceans depths, where dolphins bargain with octopuses, and merfolk navigate the ever-moving landscape.


prompt: In a dimension where fire freezes and ice burns, a realm exists in perpetual contrast. Here, volcanoes spew icy lava, and glaciers radiate heat. The inhabitants, beings of dual nature, embody the balance of extremes, mastering the art of living in contradiction. Their cities, built from cooling lava and warming ice, stand as monuments to the beauty of paradox.

AI绘画画面描述要点1. 场景描绘:场景描绘是创造一个生动、具体且引人入胜的图像所必需的。首先,描述场景的时间、地点和基本特征。例如,是白昼还是夜晚?是在一个废墟中,还是在山谷里?其次,描述场景的整体环境,包括地形、建筑、自然景观等。例如,是一个巨大的竞技场,还是一个繁忙的海底市场?最后,强调场景的氛围和独特之处,让读者能够身临其境地感受到场景的真实感和吸引力。2. 光线氛围描述:光线氛围描述是为图像赋予特定的情感和氛围,使其更加生动和有吸引力。首先,描述光线的来源和特征。例如,是阳光洒落在山谷中,还是火光映照在海底市场?其次,强调光线带来的氛围和影响。例如,暖黄色的光线让冰川显得更加温暖,火焰的光芒照亮了竞技场,为活动增添了热情和活力。最后,通过对光线和氛围的描绘,使读者能够深刻地感受到场景所传达的情感和意境。3. 细节描绘:细节描绘是营造图像细腻和生动感的关键。通过描绘细节,可以使图像更加具体和丰富,增强观赏性和吸引力。首先,强调场景中的重要细节和特征。例如,描绘竞技场中的巨型凤凰雕像、冰川上的冰火交织、海底市场中的五彩缤纷的海洋生物等。其次,描述细节所带来的影响和感受。例如,凤凰雕像的烈焰让观众感受到热情和振奋,冰火交织的景象让人惊叹不已,海底市场的繁华让人感受到无尽的活力和生机。最后,通过对细节的描绘,使读者能够更加深入地了解和体验到图像所展现的世界。4.提示词顺序提示词中的顺序也很重要,主要内容通常应该放在前面,以便机器更快地理解关键信息。例如,在描述竞技场时,先描述场景及其特征,然后再描述活动和参与者等。综上所述,场景描绘、光线氛围描述和细节描绘是编写AI绘画提示词时需要重点关注的方面。通过深入叙述和精细描绘,可以使图像更加生动、具体和吸引人,从而达到更好的艺术效果和表现力。

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