今天不做拆解,给大家来一组节日海报的AI绘画提示词,群里老大刚更新的!!文章总结:秒画中文提示词:8组midjourney:6组提示词工具来源一、工具:秒画提示词1:这是一幅将中国传统春节元素与现代设计美学相结合的节庆海报。运用鲜艳的色彩、腾飞的龙图案以及喜庆的灯笼,以繁华的城市景观为背景,生动展现了传统与现代相互交融的美好画面。提示词2:这是一个节庆海报设计,将中国传统春节元素与现代设计美学相结合,采用鲜艳的色彩、狮子图案和灯笼,背景为城市景观,展现传统与现代的融合,8K,高清提示词3:这是一个节庆海报设计,将中国传统春节元素与现代设计美学相结合,采用鲜艳的色彩、龙图案和灯笼,背景为城市景观,展现传统与现代的融合。提示词4:这是一幅以醒狮为主题的节庆海报设计,充分展现了中华传统文化的深厚底蕴。海报中的醒狮形象威武有力,目光坚定,传递出无尽的力量与勇气。背景采用了鲜艳的红色与金色搭配,营造出一种喜庆且热烈的氛围。周围点缀着传统的鞭炮与烟花元素,寓意着驱邪避害、迎接新年的美好愿景。提示词5:这是一幅文化传承主题的节庆海报设计。海报中的龙以传统风格呈现,细节精致且色彩丰富。背景融入了经典的中国书法和传统符号,突出了龙在中国文化中的历史意义和文化深度。在海报的左侧,以行书字体书写“龙”,字体古朴典雅,与整体设计风格相得益彰。提示词6:这是一幅儿童趣味主题的节庆海报设计。海报中的龙以卡通形象呈现,色彩鲜艳且充满趣味细节,如蓬松的云朵和闪烁的星星。背景是一个充满奇幻元素和有趣纹理的彩色景观,营造出一个梦幻般的儿童世界提示词7:这是一幅传统庆典主题的节庆海报设计。海报中的醒狮形象威武雄壮,装饰着精美的传统图案和鲜艳的色彩。背景描绘了一个热闹的街道场景,布满了节日装饰,营造出欢快而热烈的庆典氛围。在海报的顶部,以篆书字体书写“醒狮”,字体颜色与背景形成对比,凸显主题提示词8:这是一幅将中国传统春节元素与现代设计美学相结合的节庆海报。运用鲜艳的色彩、凤凰图案以及喜庆的灯笼,以繁华的城市景观为背景,生动展现了传统与现代相互交融的美好画面二、工具:midjourney提示词1:A vibrant poster design that captures the essence of traditional Chinese lion dance festivals. The lion is depicted in a majestic and powerful pose, adorned with intricate traditional patterns and bright colors. The background features a bustling street scene with festive decorations, creating a lively and festive atmosphere提示词2:A poster that celebrates the cultural significance of the lion dance in Chinese culture. The lion is depicted in a traditional style, with intricate details and rich colors. The background features classic Chinese calligraphy and traditional symbols, highlighting the historical significance and cultural depth of the lion dance.提示词3:A festive poster design combining traditional Chinese New Year elements with modern design aesthetics. Vivid colors, dragon patterns, and lanterns are used, set against a backdrop of urban landscapes, showcasing the perfect blend of tradition and modernity
A poster that embodies the traditional Chinese cultural symbolism of the mouse. The mouse is depicted in a traditional style, often associated with wealth and prosperity in Chinese culture. The background features traditional Chinese motifs and symbols, such as lotus flowers and coins, creating a cultural and festive atmosphere
A poster that captures the mystical and majestic essence of the phoenix, a symbol of rebirth and immortality in Chinese mythology. The phoenix is depicted in a classical style, with intricate details and vibrant colors. The background features traditional Chinese landscapes and mythological elements, creating a magical and immersive experience
提示词6:A poster that embodies the traditional Chinese cultural symbolism of the magpie, a symbol of good luck and happiness. The magpie is depicted in a traditional style, often associated with joy and prosperity in Chinese culture. The background features traditional Chinese motifs and symbols, such as lotus flowers and clouds, creating a cultural and festive atmosphere
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