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文章标签:《罗刹海市》, 刀郎, 音乐


作词Lyrics by:刀郎

作曲Composed by:刀郎


制作统筹Musical Co-ordination:张旖旎Judy

编曲Music Arranged by:刀郎

录音Recorded by:刀郎

混音Mixed by:刀郎

母带Mastered by:刀郎



合声Backing Vocal:刀郎

录音室Recording Studio:Soundquake Studio




罗刹国向东两万六千里, 过七冲越焦海三寸的黄泥地, 只为那有一条一丘河, 河水流过苟苟营。



为了一条 humble camp 中的河流,人们付出了巨大的努力。

The river’s flow meanders through the modest encampment.


The head of Guoguo Camp is called Mahu,

The Ten Li Flower Field has a notorious name;

With her prominent ears positioned alongside her shoulders and a distinct three-hole nose,

She turns her back before speaking a word;

Every day, she squats in her den to lay eggs,

作为一名经验丰富的文章写作高手,我会以专业的素养对原文进行改写。原句“An old powder mouth often believes herself to be a chicken.”表达了一个年纪较大的女性经常把自己当作小鸡。在这里,我将尝试以一种更加生动形象的方式表达这一概念。岁月沉淀下的成熟韵味,让某些女性仿佛拥有了一种特异的魔力,她们会不自觉地散发出一种类似小鸡的活力与 confidence。这种独特的魅力,或许正是那些年长的“powder mouth”们所追求的,她们坚信自己可以像小鸡一样自由自在地生活,充满快乐与自信。

那马户不知道他是一头驴, 那又鸟不知道他是一只鸡, 勾栏从来扮高雅, 自古公公好威名。

The Mahu doesnt know she is a donkey,

The silly bird doesnt know its a chicken;


Since ancient times, officials have loved prestige.

打西边来了一个小伙儿他叫马骥, 美丰姿 少倜傥 华夏的子弟, 只为他人海泛舟搏风打浪, 龙游险滩流落恶地。

A young man named Maji arrives from the west,

With a handsome and elegant appearance,

A descendant of the Chinese nation,

He braves the sea and storms for others,

Navigating treacherous rapids and wandering in hostile lands.

他见这罗刹国里常颠倒, 马户爱听那又鸟的曲, 三更的草鸡打鸣当司晨, 半扇门楣上裱真情。

He sees the constant confusion in this Land of Roaming,

Mahu loves to listen to the melodies of the silly bird,

The midnight crowing of the grass chicken acts as the morning call,

True feelings are framed on the lintel of the half-closed door.

它红描翅那个黑画皮绿绣鸡冠金镶蹄, 可是那从来煤蛋儿生来就黑, 不管你咋样洗呀那也是个脏东西, 那马户不知道他是一头驴, 那又鸟不知道他是一只鸡, 岂有画堂登猪狗, 哪来鞋拔作如意。

With its red painted wings and a black patched green rooster crown,

But the coal eggs are born black,

No matter how you wash them, they remain dirty,

The Mahu doesnt know she is a donkey,

The silly bird doesnt know its a chicken,

How can pigs and dogs ascend the painting hall,

Where does the shoehorn come to make things perfect?

它红描翅那个黑画皮绿绣鸡冠金镶蹄, 可是那从来煤蛋儿生来就黑, 不管你咋样洗呀那也是个脏东西。

With its vivid red-painted wings, black-inked skin, green embroidered rooster crown, and hooves adorned with gold,

But the coal eggs are inherently black,

No matter how you wash them, they remain dirty.

爱字有心,心有好歹, 百样爱也有千样的坏, 女子为好非全都好, 还有黄蜂尾上针。

Love has a heart, but the heart has its limits,

In a hundred forms, love also holds a thousand flaws,

Not all women who seem good are truly good,

There may be a needle on the tail of a wasp.

西边的欧钢有老板, 生儿维特根斯坦, 他言说马户驴又鸟鸡, 到底那马户是驴还是驴是又鸟鸡, 那驴是鸡那个鸡是驴那鸡是驴那个驴是鸡, 那马户又鸟, 是我们人类根本的问题。

In the west, there is a boss named Ougang,

He gave birth to a child named Wittgenstein,

He speaks of Mahu, the donkey, as the silly bird and the chicken,

But in the end, is Mahu a donkey or a donkey that is a silly bird and a chicken?

Is the donkey a chicken? Is the chicken a donkey? Is the chicken a donkey or the donkey a chicken?

Mahu, the Silly Bird, is ultimately a fundamental question for us humans.

《罗刹海市》, 刀郎, 音乐

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